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Hi Everybody, I am quite new to filemaker but as the package is so easy to learn, already in the process of building a 30 file multiuser database.

As I have no previous experience with Filemaker, especially not with such a big DB ı want to avoid pitfalls.

I am considering to run FM Server. Havent bought one yet but have already researched in the Web.

Q1: 3 possibilities:

1-Buy from FM İnc. (999.-US$)

2-Buy from companies likea Atomic park...(869.-US$)

3-Buy from CDW or Cos central (FM server 5.5 VLA)(699.-US$)

I have no Idea what VLA means, and what is the benefit if I buy from FM direct.

Q2: When I have calculations in fields, calculation fields and scripts...where are they processed in the server or the users machine. What do I have to take care of. (BTW I will be running PC's). E.g. if I have an inventory of goods and I am controlling the stock by a summary field, will tis cause a problem when I have 4000-5000 records...The users might run P-133 machines.

Q3: When I am inserting pictures into fields, this increases file size, lets assume that ı have no probs regarding space, will it slow down my system when ı have a 20GB file with 6000+ records.

Q4: What are practices that should be avoided in order to maximize performance (or better in order to perform normally without leaks)

I think thats enough....

I have other questions boggling my mind but I better put them in the appropriate forums.....

Thanks a lot in advance for maybe saving me lots of corrections.....


A1: VLA = volume license agreement

A2: On each client. There will be changes in FM7

Do *NOT* calculate across records! Create transaction posting system!

A3: you can have ONLY 2GB file. Store only reference to the pictures.

A4: plan ahead, do not calculate across records, use relations, don't use fancy graphics on layouts use only FM graphic, plan backups...


Thanks Anatoli for the prompt response,

Well then:

1-What dou you mean by transaction posting system. How do I implement it.

2-What do you mean by changes in FM 7

3- The pictures are on each users hard drive. I t is quite difficult for the users to upload images to the server, open the file and attach the link. Is there a waty to automate this task. EG open picture, resize to a certain size (Not TN size) save it to a predefined folder on the server with a name calculated by FM (of course unique):)

4-I m trying my best on planning ahead. But when you say do not calculate across records: Do you mean any calculation or just summaries or complex calculations. EG if I have a name and last name field with an employee number that links"orders" and "employees" and ı want the emplyee name to appear in one field and calculate therefore. Is this already something to be avoided or do you mean complex calcs.

Kind regards.


Transaction posting means setting the values into regular fields at the time of the transaction, rather than just using unstored related calculations to add everything up.

The former, though more trouble to set up, is many many times faster when viewing, and especially when summarizing large record sets.

One way to accomplish this is to hold the values in global fields temporarily, then commit with a script. The downside is that this usually requires a button to "commit," and some safeguards against forgetting to hit it.

There are plug-ins which can run a script upon leaving a field, but they would be expensive (P-133 implies there's not much money lying around there).

I don't know, and no one can legally tell you at this time what FileMaker 7 may have. From rumors I've seen it looks good, perhaps solving some of the above problem by combining tables in one file. You can only wait and see.

As far as resizing and uploading pictures to a central server, it's a bit complicated. I've little experience with such a network solution, especially on PCs; but here's my 2 cents anyway.

For users to transparently do such a thing on PC's, storing only references on a shared server (NOT the FileMaker Server machine!) would require 2 or 3 plug-ins. Once again, it's probably doable, but the budget would increase.

On the other hand you could perhaps give them a way to resize them on their local machine, then Insert them directly into a container field in FileMaker.

This requires exponentially more disk space, and you'd soon run into the current dreaded 2 GB file size limit. But other than that it's pretty straightforward.

Working with image files is much easier (and cheaper) on a Mac, with AppleScript. But that doesn't help here, since you want the users themselves to do the image loading.

Take a look at the Troi File and FTP plug-ins, http://www.troi.com, and the InsideScan plug-in, http://www.powersolutions.it/eng/insidescan_desc.html


1. check http://www.fmforums.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB8&Number=70283&Forum=All_Forums&Words=transaction&Match=Entire%20Phrase&Searchpage=0&Limit=50&Old=1year&Main=69987&Search=true#Post70283

2. FM 7 is around corner and it is complete rewrite of FM.

3. I do not know about automation of pictures apart of PhotoShop. On what platform are you? myserverpicture work on Windows. I am sure the naming stuff can be achieved with Dialog Magic plugin from New Millennium.

4. Calc within the same record is perfectly OK. Not across hundreds or hundred thousand records.



Regarding your Q2,

I had some problems of velocity too, mostly when accessing a remote file via TCP/IP and displaying the famous summary fields.

I solved some of my problems using the GetSummary function, It might be usefull for you as well. Check the FM help for a detailed explanation of how to use it.

*Note: Sometimes you have to be a bit tricky to use this function for your needs, and in some cases It will not do the job.





To handle your images problem, we took the strategy of thinning the images weekly off the server and pasted references of them into an ImageArchive database. This database and the images they reference are then copied onto each client. The served database then references the images from the ImageArchive database. Works great in the Mac world, I've not tested in the PC world.

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