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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Find related records for a found set


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I think I am missing something simple. Please help!

I have two related databases: Contacts and Activities (One to Many). I will find a set of Activities (e.g. that occurred in a date range). I then wish to find the set of Contacts for these Activities. I can find them one at a time. But how to find the set, perhaps in a short script?

Thank you in advance, Kay

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Is that one contact to many activities, or one activity to many contacts? FM6 or FM7?

In any case I suppose you should be able to perform a search in the Contact database for a the date range desired in a related DATE field from the Activities database.

If you prefer to perform the Find in the Activities database, then you could follow this by a script with the step: Go to Related Records [show only related records].

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Thank you, mfero. I did not explain clearly enough.

I have one contact to many activities. E.g. I might search for activities falling 8/1/2004...8/31/2004 and find 6 activities that were performed for 3 contacts (2 activities for each of the 3 contacts, to make the example simple). I am looking at this list of 6 activities in the activity db. [Go to Related Records] jumps to the single contact record for whichever activity is selected. What I really want is to jump to a list of these 3 Contacts in the contact db because I want to run a report on them from there.

Does that help anyone? Thanks!

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1) Create a New Layout with ONLY the ContactID in it.

2) Create a global text field gFoundSetIDs

3) A relationship called 'FoundSetToContacts' from gFoundSetIDs matching ContactID in your Contact File/Table.

4) Create a New Layout with ONLY the gFoundSetIDs (not necessary, just clearer)

5) A script to be added at the end of your Find Script :






GoToRelatedRecords[FoubdSetToContacts-show only]

Et voila

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