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Limit font choices


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I don't know Macs, Jan, sorry. If you don't want Users to configure more fonts, you may need to delete them at the OS level. Or ... use Privileges to restrict ALL fonts and provide an alternate route in which you give them the only choices you want them to have. If you are interested, I'm currently working on just such a concept and I'd be happy to share my demo with you. It'll give you ideas on how to restrict those pesky creative souls.

Please delete your other post on fonts, if you would be so kind - before anyone responds to it? smile.gif

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Again, ty

This application is still in development. Users won't be able to change fonts.

Been using MAC's since 1986 (hope that doesn't make me older than you smile.gif ) and developing in FM since 1995


This is the first time I've developed for a Windows-based client. I started with Helvetica then decided to switch to Veranda, but need to go from font A to V in the fonts list to switch.

The technique you describe doesn't seem to work in development mode.

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Double posting the same question is frowned upon on FM Forums. It will be found and answered no matter where you put it. smile.gif

Don't feel bad though! Many people do it ... but it's better to delete it. smile.gif

"This application is still in development. Users won't be able to change fonts." How do you plan on restricting them? Through privileges or plugin? And I'm greatly surprised that Macs don't have the same options on Menu > Font to add or delete them; although they could still configure more if they are naughty.

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There is a way in 7 to pretty much "nullify" what changes a user makes, or pastes into a field.

Use the Auto-enter calculation, uncheck "do not replace existing value", and paste something like this in the calculation (the field is named "Test"):

TextColor ( TextSize ( TextFont ( TextStyleRemove ( Test ; AllStyles ); "Verdana" ); "11"); RGB ( 0;0;0) )

I don't know if it'll stop everything, but it seems to work pretty well. Stops both pasting and manual formatting. You would want to configure the above to match the layout default for the field.

(I guess it doesn't make much difference if they paste from outside FileMaker, 'cause it only pastes plain text anyway.)

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I like this Fenton and will certainly adopt it when need be. Thank you!

I was using a similar stripper (not this good) before ... until Owner wanted certain fonts and certain sizes and certain colors allowed on certain fields - and then changed his mind on which fields, ie, "I want 11-14 point on this field allowed and red is okay." It seems no matter which route one takes, management changes their mind. I plan to jump ahead of them this time... wink.gif

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This topic is 7249 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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