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FM6 Incompatible with XP Tablet SP2!


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So, I have this solution for the home inspection industry that was done in FMP5/6. We run it in kiosk mode on ruggedized tablet PCs running XP Tablet Edition. Upgraded (?) one of them to SP2 the other night and, lo and behold, Microsoft has completely changed the way they handle the Tablet Input Panel (popup keyboard, handwritting recognition, etc).

Seems it now senses when the user clicks on a text entry field (supposedly in any application) and a little button pops up next to that field. The user clicks on the button and the TIP pops up. Simple. Elegant... except it doesn't work at all with FileMaker!!

Anybody know why this might be? Does Filemaker not make proper use of the Windows system caret? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


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I was about ready to order a tablet PC to use with Filemaker 7, until you wrote this. I have been asking the Filemaker tech people about using tablet OS, but they have very little information. I did write them today and ask them about the Windows caret support in FM 7, but no answer yet.

It seems so obvious that they would want this to work for a lot of applications.

Please post any new info you get.

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