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Right-click on a button...

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I have never understood why they made right-clicking on a button run the script immediately (you can't even hold it down and move off the button). This behavior is very contradictory to the way right-clicking works in any other windows program. I occasionally slip, and then I have to spend a bunch of time cleaning up the resulting mess (when I first started working with the system, most of the major scripts didn't have custom messages to cancel out of a mistake).

I wish they would just make it bring up the standard menu, just as if right-clicking on an unused space. At the very least, I wish there was an option to change that behavior.

Yeah, I know it's only a real problem for clumsy people, but we do represent a significant percentage of the population.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would suggest that you add a script step to display a prompt if the process you could accidently start may be too destrutive.

You can still have the default button set allow you to continue so that you can use the return/enter key to select it automatically, but it would allow you a little more piece of mind I think in the end.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree with this suggestion but I'm going to expand on the idea of right clicking on a button. I would like to see a choice of "Edit" while in the layout mode. Here's how it would work:

If an action has already been assigned to a button there would be a choice to directly EDIT whatever the button assigned to do.

Right now whenever I want to change the behaviour of a button - usually a script - often I can't remember the exact name of the script that is attached to the button so I have to:

1. Right click on the button.

2. Choose Specify Button.

3. Choose Specify...

4. Make a mental note of the script name.

5. Click Cancel

6. Pull down Scripts | Scriptmaker

7. Scroll through a (maybe long) list of scripts hoping to notice the correct one.

8. Double-click on the script.

Eight steps, Yikes! I waste a lot of time doing this. How nice would it be to just right-click, choose edit, and then be right in there?

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That would be nice.

Although, if the button is already specified, you can double-click it to go directly to the Specify Button dialogue. Also, I only recently noticed that the script currently specified is named right above the script step list, so I don't have to hit Specify... to check that anymore. tongue.gif

It isn't as nice as an Edit choice would be, but it can shave a couple of steps from your list, at least.

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This topic is 6984 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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