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On the final page of a series of web pages we use the inline script below to send out an automatic cemail. At present the inline script below does not seem to work, though we can edit the 'email.txt' file and have it send out very basic messages like hello how are you? This leads us to believe that it is the contents of the 'email.txt' that fouls things up.

[inline:email.host='smtp.bu-london.co.uk', email.to='[email protected]', email.subject='BU London - Update Confirmation', email.format='email.txt', email.from='[email protected]', Nothing] [/inline]


here are the contents of email.txt. does it look ok?

[inline: -search, -layout='web', -database='students', 'studentid' = (Form_Param:'studentid'), -operator="eq", -maxrecords='1']


Hello [Field:'stfname'] [Field:'stlname'],

This is an e-mail confirmation of the information you have stored in your record in London entered via your personal application page.

Guardian name

[Field: 'ldnGdname'] [Field: 'ldnGdname2']

[Field: 'ldnGdRel'] [Field: 'ldnGdRel1']

[Field: 'ldnGdAdd1'] [Field: 'ldnGdAdd12']

[Field: 'ldnGdAdd2'] [Field: 'ldnGdAdd22']

[Field: 'ldnGdPhn'] [Field: 'ldnGdPhn1']

[Field: 'ldnGdEPhone'] [Field: 'ldnGdEPhn1']

[Field: 'ldnGdMPhn'] [Field: 'ldnGdMPhn1']

[Field: 'ldnGdFx'] [Field: 'ldnGdFx1']

[Field: 'ldnGdEml'] [Field: 'ldnGdEml2']

Passport Information

Country of Issue: [Field: 'ldnPptcnt']

Passport No: [Field: 'ldnPptno']

Date Issued: [Field: 'ldnPptDate']

Place Issued: [Field: 'ldnPptPlace']

Expiration Date: [Field: 'ldnPptExDate']

Ist Choice Elective A [Field: 'ldnEACho']

Alternative Choice [Field: 'ldnAltEAChoice']

Ist choice Elective B [Field: 'ldnEBChoice']

Alternative Choice [Field: 'ldnAltEBChoice']

I am a [Field: 'ldnsmoker'] who prefers to [Field: 'ldnlivewithsmokers'] Smokers.

I usually get up [Field: 'ldnusuallygetup'] and go to Bed [Field: 'ldnusuallygotobed']

I am generally [Field: 'ldnconsideryourself']

I would like the following ranking to reflect the characteristics in any ROOMATE/s to which I was allocated. I have used one through to five, with the number 1 denoting the most desirable characteristic and 5 the least

Cleanliness and Tidiness: [Field: 'ldncleanliness']

Fun-loving: [Field: 'ldnfun']

Quiet: [Field: 'ldnquiet']

Easygoing: [Field: 'ldneasygoing']

Scholarly: [Field: 'ldnscholarly']

Adventurous: [Field:'ldnadventurous']

Roommate Requests

I'd like to live with [Field: 'ldnlivewith']

Here are my hobbies and interests. Also indicate which type of single room you are interested in, if applicable [Field: 'ldnhobbies']

I'd prefer NOT to live with [Field:'ldnlvwithout']

Singel Room Credit Card: [Field: 'Credit Card Number Parnt']

Expiry Date: [Field: 'Expiry Date Parnt']


1. The Arts:

Galleries [Field:'PQqCommGalleries']

Museums [Field:'PQqMuseums']

Theatre [Field:'PQqTheatre']

Arts Organisations [Field:'PQqArtsOrgs']

2. Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

Advertising [Field:'PQqAdvertising']

Marketing [Field:'PQqMarketing']

Public Relations [Field:'PQqPubRels']

Multimedia [Field:'PQqMultiMedia']

3. Film and Television

Film Development [Field:'PQqFilmDevel']

Television [Field:'PQqTelevision']

Radio [Field:'PQqRadio']

4. Journalism

Journalism and Editing [Field:'PQqResearchEdit']

Writing and Reporting [Field:'PQqWriteReport']

5.Management and Finance

Accounting [Field:'PQqAccounting']

Banking [Field:'PQqBanking']

Company Finance [Field:'PQqCoFinance']


6. Politics and Interntional Relations

Party Politics [Field:'PQqPPolitics']

Non-Party Politics [Field:'PQqNonPPolitics']

7. Pre-Law

Criminal [Field:'PQqCriminal']

Corporate [Field:'PQqCorporate']

Civil [Field:'PQqCivil']

8. Psychology and Social Policy

Research [Field:'PQqResearch']

Contact [Field:'PQqContract']

9. Hospitality

Hotel Marketing or PR [Field:'PQqHotelmarketingPR']

Restaurant Marketing or PR [Field:'PQqRestaurantmarketingPR']

What is important to you in a work environment? [Field: 'PQqWkEnviron']

Describe any relevant paid or voluntary work experience [Field:'PQworkExperience']

What are your strengths and weaknesses [Field: 'PQqStreangths']

Specify your computer skills [Field: 'PQqCompskills']

Are you proficient in any other language that you would like to use in your internship?[Field: 'PQqLangskills']

Medical Information

Gender [Field: 'stgender']

Height [Field: 'MedHeight']

Weight [Field: 'MedWeight']

Glasses [Field:'MedGlasses']

Contact lenses [Field:'MedContactLen']

Are you pregnant or have you any reason to suspect you might be? [Field:'MedPreg']

Do you have any medical conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes, etc.)? [Field:'Medtreat']

Are you currently under treatment or takings any medications? [Field:'MedCon']

Do you or might you have an eating disorder or a history of drug or alcohol abuse? [Field: 'MedDisorders']

Do you have any allergies (medication included)? [Field: 'MedAllergies']

Have you ever been or are you currently being treated by a psychologist for an emotional disorder? [Field: 'MedPhyctreat']

Have you had any diseases, significant injuries, or surgical operations within the last five years? [Field:'Medinjr']

Do you have any learning disabilities or physical impairments? [Field:'MedLndisb']

Is there anything else about your health or medical history that may be a factor should there be an emergency? [Field:'Medother']

Insurance Carrier [Field:'InsCarr']

Insurance Policy Number [Field:'InsPolno']

Insurance Group Number [Field: 'InsGrpno']

Name of Insurance Subscriber [Field: 'InsNmSub']

Relationship to Student [Field: 'Insrel']

Subscriber's Address [Field: 'InssubAd']

Enter your Physician's Full Name [Field: 'MedPhysName']

Address [Field: 'MedPhysst']

City [Field: 'MedPhysCty']

State [Field: 'MedPhysState']

Zip [Field: 'MedPhysZip']

Telephone [Field:'MedPhysphone']

Flight Details

These are my flight details. I will depart from: [Field:'ldnUSctyDep']

on [Field: 'ldnAAirline']

Flight number [Field: 'ldnAflightNo']

arriving at [Field: 'ldnAAirport']

The flight will arrive at [Field: 'ldnAHour']:[Field: 'ldnAMinutes'][Field: 'ldnAPart']

the [Field: 'ldnAday'] of [Field: 'ldnAMonth'] in the year [Field:'ldnAYear']

At the end of the Programme, I will return to the United States from [Field: 'ldnDEurocty']

on board Flight No [Field: 'ldnDflightNo']

Departure Time [Field: 'ldnDHour']: [Field: 'ldnDMinutes'][Field: 'ldnDPart']

Date [Field: 'ldnDday'] [Field: 'ldnDMonth'] [Field: 'ldnDYear']


Student Life




I've yet to send out an Email actually using lasso. But can you send one out actually using FM? If so my advice is to call a script to send the email through Filemaker through Lasso, perhaps that will do waht your looking for. Look into the lasso commands to call FM scripts, and remeber to be careful where you call the script and how you call it.


Howdy! I don't know Lasso but we used to do this in FileMaker CDML, although I remember it being somewhat finicky about copy/paste so I used to manually type or key in my code unless I 'washed' it through filters and character gremlin zapping.

If it works in Lasso except for the [field:...] things, maybe the problem is with the search. Are you sure the search is finding 1 record as a result? Maybe there's no search result so no record to draw data from...

What if you send a plain static message that works and then add 1 field to it?

Does the plain text message get sent to the dynamically selected address or only when hard coded?

If it were me, I'd substitute hard-coded search criteria and make sure all that works and then if so, add the form chosen studentID part just to narrow down the problem. Or if you start with what you know works (plain text to hard-coded address), just keep adding 1 main component at a time until you get what you need or find out which element/step is causing the problem.

As for doing it FM, you probably could with ScriptMaker but my guess is that near simulataneous requests can cause only 1 request to work while the other is completely ignored, so I'd avoid that unless you can confirm multi-threaded capability for that.

Hope this helps some,


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