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After much trial and tribulation and help from the FM forum, esp Comment and Stanley I have a working AJCC malignant melanoma staging system.

One last request: Is there a way I can validate the system so that conflicting variables cannot be entered?

As an example if:

"in situ' is checked all other fields should be empty, except Clark level which should = "I"; the stage is "0" and the TNM should read TisN0M0.

When the fields are filled in as above the correct calculation is performed - BUT is it possible to validate this such that if anything else is entered an error message is created ? or the other fields are forced to be empty or contain only certain data?

Hope this makes sense.

The database is attached and I hope others find it helpful.

Best wishes

Dr Garth Titley



Great looking database doc. Also great to see other cancer docs FM'g.

Two options come to mind.

First would be visual clues to the user by using calculated fields instead of labels next to your fields. As an example, for the label to the left of Histological diagnosis replace with a calculated field, text, case ( Histological diagnosis = "" ; TextColor("Histological diagnosis";RGB(255;0;0)) ; TextColor("Histological diagnosis";RGB(0;0;0)). Make sure users can't enter into this field in browse or find mode. When a new record is made the label will be red till the user enters text and goes to another field.

Then next is in Define Fields to perform a validation on all required fields to be not empty. When the user commits the record if any field is empty a warning will be shown, which you can personalize and allow if you wish override options.


I have added 2 scripts that toggle the 'in situ' and 'Breslow cannot be measured' fields, and set other fields accordingly if one of these is turned on. Unfortunately, there's no way to reverse the process (i.e. uncheck 'in situ' if user sets Clark level to IV, for example), unless you use a plug-in.

I have also added an 'Error' calculation field. This is merely a template, you should flesh it out with as many possible contradictions as you can (maybe even a specific message text for each contradiction?).

I don't like field validations - I feel that they are rude with their "something's wrong - do something about it now!" attitude. I prefer to validate by script when the record is being committed. This requires some additional set-up, either by having the user fill the form on global fields (esp. in a multi-user scenario), or by keeping a permanent "draft" record in the database. In any case, the validation script would be triggered by user clicking an Add button, and it should check that all required fields are filled and that isEmpty (Error).



Thanks again

I am trying both of your suggestions.

Comment can you please explain how I can create a check-box - which is also a button that runs a script?

When I try and modify this I can get a check box, which checks and unchecks or a button that runs thet script - BUT I can't get a button which checks and unchecks and runs the script!

Can you please explain?



I understand that the script toggles between the different fields - But I am trying to make the in-situ field the button that runs the script (to do the toggling) and is itself checked and unchecked when it is clicked on

Sorry if I'm not explaing myself very well



Don't worry I've sorted it out - I had an error in the script

Thanks again for you help


Perhaps a glance at the actual script might help. The first thing the script does is Set Field [ in situ ] to the opposite state. Clicking on the field does nothing except run the script.


Thanks - I see now - although I got there by trial and error!!

You deserve a lot fo credit for your help here - The database you have helped to produce (most of the hard work was done by you) will be very helpful for anyone trying to stage patients with malignant melanoma.

I have incorporated your calculations and scripts into our main skin oncology database and I have learnt a lot in the process - perhaps you might consider emailing me your name -so I can give you due credit in the - "about this database page"

My email is [email protected]

best wishes


This topic is 7258 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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