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using filemaker to generate bibliographies...

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I am using FM7 as a database for references of books/papers for my masters.

I catalogue them in this way:







I use a layout to display this information in separate records - I also have devised a layout that displays the information as a bibliography by using the merge field command like this:

<<Name>> (<<Date>>)


Your first question might be as easy as:

1). Merge fields can be formatted to styles. Click on the merge field in your layout mode, select at least the firs > and style it to suit.

The second one is probably going to require an adjustment to your current approach.

2). If I'm reading you correctly, you have these fields being concatenated and have added the "" and "," in it. If so, post your calculation and we can show you how to adjust it.

If this isn't the case, attach a copy of your file so we can see better what you are starting with and what you want to end with.


Lee cool.gif


Version 7 to the rescue. Create an unstored calculation (result text) for the whole block. Put it on the layout as a merge field.

Name & " (" & Year & ")" & Case ( not IsEmpty(Title); " '" & Title & "'") & ", " & TextStyleAdd ( Publication ; Italic ) & ", " & Reference & ", " & Publisher

(You could also leave off the TextStyleAdd() function and just manually format the Publication as Italic; but that's tedious. Or you could use an auto-enter calculation of the style, with replace checkbox off, on the Publication field. Then Publication would always be italic on the layout, and in the plain calculation.)



I am glad that you may have solved my problem, thank you very much. i should, however, have stated that I am a relative novice. What do I do with that formula you just gave me exactly?


This might prove that I am slower than you think - but I don't even know where you have 'added an example file' or where an 'unstored calculation' 'result field' can be made...


ah ha,

ignore my last post I managed to work it all out. Everything is fine now.

I am enclosing a copy of my file for two reasons (go to 'bibliography' layout and view in 'preview' mode):

1 - As you can see, the shorter book entries, although now formatted properly, leave a space below... looks ugly and couldn't be submitted, how would I combat this?

2 - Instead of leaving a line inbetween entries, could I get FM7 to indent any lines of text after the first line, as is usual in bibliographies?


Sorry, was off doing the 4th of July eat/watch fireworks thing. There is a rather hidden option for fields. In Layout mode, go to Format, Line Spacing, Custom. For Indent; Left put .5cm, for 1st line put -.5

The 1st line negative cannot be greater (absolutely) than the Left indent.


This is great, but I still have a problem, it is telling me that the left margin cannot be greater then the right margin or the object's dimensions...

Any ideas? (Nearly there now, thanks for the solid advice)


It won't tell you that if you put .5cm for the Left indent, and -.5cm for the 1st line indent. That works on mine. It will error if you put .25 for the Left indent and -.5 for the 1st. Or if you put a large number, that is bigger than the field (duh).



Brilliant, relaised my mistake almost immediately.

I think I have finally solved my problem and I owe you a big thanks, this is the first time I have used FM and the learning curve was steepish.

The only remaining issue is that:

1 now I have the second line indented there is no need for the gap between entries, I have tried trimming down the field but it still retains an unnatural looking gap

2 some of the bibliography entries are only one line long, most are two lines long, this means that the on line ones have an EXTRA space below them due to the necessary size of the field, is this remedial?

These are cosmetic concerns but if I am going to learn how to do this, I might as well go all the way.

Thanks again



Thanks - I recreated your changes in order that I might learn something - rather than just use yours. It is much clearer now. I find that problem-solving is the best way to get to grips with something.

Thanks for all the time you gave to this, I owe you a beer.


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