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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Set field Question

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Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry if this is an easy problem. I'm pretty new to scripts, but o.k. with FM in general. I looked through alot of the old posts but still couldn't figure out how to make it work for my situation, or just didn't understand.

Setup - I am trying to develop a database for my company that can create pieces for assembly. Each piece is unique but many pieces may combine to make a bigger item.

Table1=Piece Builder

Table2=Burning Details

Table3=Sawing Details

Table4=Purchase Details

The tables are relational through field "Piece Number"

I want our engineer to start with "Piece Builder." Be able to find a job # from another order entry table(not important here) such as Job #1001, then assign a Piece # like 1001-1, then push a button to go to one of the three tables, as order requires, and auto-enter the same Piece # from "Piece Builder" table. From there he can enter what needs to be done to each piece. I have been able to write a script to open other table and create a new record(pretty easy) but cannot figure out how to auto-enter piece number. Have been trying to use SetField[] command but can't seem to get it to work.

Please Help!

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Hi abomb,

it would work if you would have two seperate fields in the piece-table and a claculation:

On the builder table:

Field: kP_BuilderID - auto enter serial number

Relation: kP_BuilderID -< kF_BuilderID in piece table

(allow creation of records)

Portal with piece table fields.

On the piece table:


piecenumber - auto enter serial number

kF_BuilderID - auto-entered when entering pieces in builderportal

builderpiece - calculation: builderlink & "-" & piecenumber

Actionfield - what needs to be done

Any help?

reg. Hartger

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Hey Herrix,

Thanks for posting so fast, but I'm sorry, I really don't understand. Maybe I don't understand FM as well as I thought. I don't want the "Piece Number" field to auto enter. It is based on the "Job Number" such as Job # 1001 would have Piece # 1001-1 and/or 1001-2, etc.

"it would work if you would have two seperate fields in the piece-table and a claculation:"

I don't quite understand. Do the two fields have different Names on the "piece builder" table? or are they two different tables? If they are, I still don't understand how to set up the script for it.

Again, I would like to have just one table for the Job # info. This could then be used to create pieces, linked with the total job. Maybe I did a bad job explaining, but could you be a little more detailed and dumbed down in your explaination. Again, I guess I don't understand FM as well as I thought, or at least all the short hand.

Thanks again for any help.

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I think what he is saying is that you would make a "dummy" serial number in the piece builder table, and then make the piece number a concatenation of the job number and the serial.

You would have to re-set the serial number in the piece builder table for each new job, though, and if there are several jobs happening simultaneously, you have to have a field in the jobs table that keeps track of what the next piece number is for each job. I do something similar for assigning lab sample numbers, and am trying to figure out how to do this via a script step, which I have no been able to get to work so far. I have a question on another thread about this, maybe I can be of more help when this question is answered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You wouldn't have to reset the piece number, it'll be easier to have it running as a serial number.

As I understood, several jobs can have the same piece number...

Job # 1001-23 would be the same piece as Job # 2043-23.

For the rest, you're right, concateating is the trick.

still helping?


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