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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Merging Date with a Word Doc


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I have a database where receipts need to be printed. The receipt is in the form of a letter. I currently have the letter in a layout in Filemaker. My question is can the information for the receipt be merged with a letter in Word and if so how difficult is it?

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If this is Windows only then there two ways of doing it:

- set up your FM database as an ODBC data source and connect to it from inside Word

- or have FM output the data as a text file and call a merging VBA macro (you'd need to write that one) through a FM Send Message (6) or Send Event (7) script step

- variation on #2: if you don't like to have VBA code embedded in your Word documents you can have the code in a VBscript.

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This topic is 7040 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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