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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Web login user name


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I have a database online and I'm kind of stuck on a user name issue.I have created a custom login layout that works fine. When the user logs in the user name is a global field. What I'm trying to do is match the current user name to a record in a different table.


Table 1 is an order form.

Table 2 is client information.

When user "Bobby10125" logs in, I want him to be recognised by his client information in table 2.

In table 2 the record would have the client code (10125) and information for that account.

When "Bobby10125" logs in to table 1, I want it to match the global user name with the appropriate account, and display order information for that account.

So "Bobby10125" get(currentuser)

If get(currentuser) = clientinfo::usernames

set field(usercompany)=clientinfo::companyname

If "Bobby10125" logs on it should show that he works for Smith & co. based on the information in the Client Info table?

I thought that would work to pull information based on the username, but I have not had luck. I'm new to this and I'm obviously missing something here

I hope I'm making sense.

I'd appreciate any help anyone has to offer.

Thank you

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