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I have a calc that uses a case statement. In my view it looks good but it didn't work right. Here's what it is about:

I have 3 fields, called A, B, and C, and of course the calc field called D. Now field C, can have a value of 1 or 2. Now I want it to return a value based on the month range and also the value of C. So I wrote


month (get(currentDate)) >=4 and month(get(currentDate)) <=9 and field C =/ "2"; field A;

field C =/ "2"; field B;



Now today is October 1 and my calc is still showing field A results. Is there something wrong? I need field C to be a not equal statement because there might be more values than just "1" and "2" in the future, maybe "3" or "4", but I just don't want "2" to show.

Any help would be great.


Is field D unstored? If not, Get(CurrentDate) will not update unless you modify field C.


Oh, I guess it was on min store, oops... but then why would it work if I went the other way:


month (get(currentDate)) >=4 and month(get(currentDate)) <=9 and field C =/ "2"; field A;

field C = "2"; "";

field B


this way works even if it is stored, but I didn't want to go that direction due to the fact that only 5% of the records have a "2" value in field C...

Hmm... little things I guess... hahaha

Thanks a lot.



Queue, I now have a problem, if I unstore it, then the field that refers to it won't connect. So how do I get around this? I thought about making a script that sets a date field, but will that be the same thing in I store it? Is there a better calc that checks for teh currentdate? I also use this calc to determine the school year too. I wonder now if, when I get to next April, if it will change from 2005-2006 school year to 2006-2007 school year... probably not if it is stored right?


I am not sure what you mean by 'the field that refers to it won't connect'. Do you mean it is the child key in a relationship? If so, then it will have to be indexed. You will then need a script to update the value in all records each day, in which case it may be better left as a normal text field, with the calculation to set it included in the script.


that is what I was thinking would be the way to go. But now I am getting lots of opening scripts steps... after I got a half dozen or so, I put them seperate and run them in order... but it is getting to be a whopper. What I have been doing lately is using a date field then when the script opens, I set an if statement to read if the datefield =/ currentDate, then to continue running it else exit. But in a script, is there any problems with that get(currentDate) function in a script? I wouldn't think so since it is not stored at all.


so even if it is in the same file but different table it won't work as a child key? I know it has to be stored so that leaves a global out of the solution... but to have is loop through 1000 records everyday, that will take a long time... I have made a type of flag field that refers to 2 calculation fields and if they don't equal, then it places a "1" in that flag field. Then, when the file is opened, it goes into a found script and looks for all the records containing 1's and updates those records. That is how I have gone around some problems. I can do it here too, but I had hoped there would be some other way to update the currentDate setting... I will start with what I know, but if anyone has any other ways they have done this without having to update thousands of records, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.


You have to think Get(CurrentDate) on the other side (primary key) of the relations def. so it makes a multicriteria relationship theta join matching the actual date as foreignkey.


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