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Posted (edited)

I have a database that I want to use to create forms. I attached an example database.

The database has 5 tables.

A table for the Employees within my organization.

A table for account managers within my organization.

A table for companies that we work for.

A table with countrycodes.

A table for the actual forms.

The first 4 contain (semi-)static info that is used as a basis for the forms.

When I start a new form, I fill out date and time. In the next field I have to choose the company from a dropdown list (the red field in forms).

What I want is that forms automatically enters the green fields based on the company I've chosen.

How do I do that? Am I close? If not how should I set it up?


Edited by Guest

If this is suppose to be a FileMaker File, I can not look at it because I DON"T have .rar

Although the Forum can handle a lot of different file compressions formats, and files types, you are best off using .zip because most of us, if not all of us can get at the files.




You should not have all 4 fields as key for the lookup, but then again should a lookup NOT be utilized here, contacts should be a new table ...what's the point in storing the same data in several places where the eventually might get out of sync.

Next issue is, never ever use fields the user can tamper with as keys ...Murphys Law says, if there's a chance for making orphans, they will creap on you as a cheap coat!!!!!!



If this is suppose to be a FileMaker File, I can not look at it because I DON"T have .rar

Neither do I, but I have Stuffit Expander on which I dropped the saved (by keeping alt-key down while clicking) ....



I'm so happy for you, but, when I clicked on it, it open a Browser page. Like I said, it make it more accessible if they use the zip format. BTW, I also have Stuff Expander.


Ah! Not safari then??? Tried the same thing in Firefox ...does also save. I start to wonder how you then perform a "Save link as..." should give a document called:


Well I'd better upload the same thing as .zip on his behalf...




Hi sd,

I have the exact same setup as you, including Safari and it wasn't giving me anything that Expander would work with. Kept giving me same looking text file.

Anyway, thanks for uploading it for me, now, what was the question. :qwery: :giggle:



The catch is that things will definitely run out of sync....

I want to use these things for evaluations for example. I do these every 6 months. I want to keep the old evaluations. But!...

When I do another evaluation, the contacts may have changed. But on the previous evaluation I don't want the names updated with the new ones because I always want to be able to see who I talked with originally.

Does it make more sense now? I also included a Zip version of the archive (better late than never).



Alright, what you have done is that the fields you lookup into (the green fields) also is part of the relationship that manages your lookup ...this is a Catch22 situation, because the lookup will first appeare when all 3 have the matching value loaded.

Take a look at the relations def. when a fork is drawn does it mean that several criterias should be fulfilled all at the same time since they're stacked with "AND" and not "OR"....

It seems like you would like to get a match, no matter which of the fields you enter either a name or enter something in the company name.

This is posible if you rework your relationsships to a return delimited key containing more values, but what if you have the same person working first half of the year in one of the companies, but suddently gets a new job at the competitors ...which company should the get it's data looked up the former or later???

I know which one will be located, it's the one that comes first in the index, but consider a company name like Zyxel!!! They are very unlikely to get loaded into the fields at all if a staffmember gets employed by them, having ended a previous carreer in a similar company we also accidentally have in our base.


This topic is 7043 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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