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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

External server accounts


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I'm setting up an old FM6 database system in FM8 and using the external user accounts via local accounts on the server computer (Mac OSX.4)

I understand the account setups and creating groups to do group control of user accounts (I read the Server External Authenticaion tech brief which was fantastic by the way). The two things that I'm curious about are:

1. I originally had a database in FM6 (called StaffList) that had a list of all users by the user-accounts so people could see internal contacts. Is there a way to do this in 8---to have a database listing of all the external user-accounts located on the server computer?

2. Is there a way to manage user-account priviledges, i.e. what group they belong to through a client FileMaker 8 computer?


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You can hard code the list of users but then you're back at maintaining the list in two places: in your FM table and on the server machine.

for your #2: no. At least not easily. The whole point of using external authentication is not to have to do this in FM. You could do it with some heavy duty OS level scripting, but chances are you'd be creating some security issues with that if you're not very careful.

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