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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

enter filepath once...?

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I am wanting to automate my import procedure for an XML file.

I have the style sheets and want to be able to do the following scenerio....

STEP 1 - user clicks "import xml"

STEP 2 - popup asking where the file is.

STEP 3 - user navigates to said file.

STEP 4 - filemaker temp place path into "mycontainer" field.

STEP 5 - filemaker imports xml using predifined stylsheet 1.

STEP 6 - filemaker imports xml again using predifined stylesheet 2 and using the "mycontainer" field for the xml file path.

Repeat STEP 6 - 2 more times for predifined stylesheets 3 and 4.


Okay so I am fairly ok with everything except the filepath thing.

I am thinking its a set fieldname get fieldname, scenerio but can't get my head round it.

Hope my 7 steps are clear enough.

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Thanks although its not working....

Running the script in the "specify xml and xsl options" window it throws the filepath in twice into the http request window.

file:XML Finished/myfile.xml

filemac:/Macintosh HD/Users/timeact/Desktop/XML Finished/myfile.xml

Deleting either file path and leaving just one still doesn't work.

I'm not sure the link you posted will help me either unless I'm reading that thread wrongly!

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Not sure exactly what's not working. You should have your path in a variable, and enter the variable directly into the path list. Or, if you are importing from XML, you can also use a calculation and enter the variable, or just the container field, there (this can work even in version 7).


If you are importing from a local file, how did you get to the HTTP request window?

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