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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Page number error


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Hi everyone,

I'm having problems with ## for page numbering. It shows "1" for all pages printed. Any suggestions?

I don't know if it matters, but I've set up a global for last page and put in my script.

Go to record/request Last

insert page in global

Go to record/request first

The last page insert is working correctly.

In layout i have "page" ## "of" g_lastpage

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Hey Keith,

That is not it. I'm pretty good with the reports and it works how I want. It's strange because I have another report with just the page number (using ##), but not the script for page "1 of x" and it works fine. Is it the script part?

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No, I meant the page number symbol (##), because it's not completely clear to me what you mean by: "In layout i have "page" ## "of" g_lastpage." Is g_lastpage a merge field in a single block of text? Are the quote marks there to signify separate text blocks?

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This topic is 6605 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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