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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Categorized Value Lists


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I know my answer is somewhere in this forum, but after looking at 10 or more posts and sample files I cant seem to find my answer.

I have 2 tables, a Company table and a Employee Table. The employees are in different categories. What I want to do is have 3 PopUp menu fields that return the Employee Number back to the Company Table. Those three popup menu fields should only list the employees from a specific category (Admins, Directors, and Associates). I created 3 calcs fields with the 3 categories names... after that I fiddled with relations on the table map and nothing seemed to work. Can someone take a look at my sample file and figure out I'm doing wrong.

Now I could just put the different categories of employees into sperate tables, but it would be nice if I could enter all data into 1 table.




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I know my answer is somewhere in this forum, but after looking at 10 or more posts and sample files I cant seem to find my answer.

I have 2 tables, a Company table and a Employee Table. The employees are in different categories. What I want to do is have 3 PopUp menu fields that return the Employee Number back to the Company Table. Those three popup menu fields should only list the employees from a specific category (Admins, Directors, and Associates). I created 3 calcs fields with the 3 categories names... after that I fiddled with relations on the table map and nothing seemed to work. Can someone take a look at my sample file and figure out I'm doing wrong.

Now I could just put the different categories of employees into sperate tables, but it would be nice if I could enter all data into 1 table.



Do you have multiple Companies?

Can an employee be in more than one Company?

Can an employee be in admin and director?


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1: Yes there will be multiple companies. For now there is only 1 sample company in my sample file. For each new company added, they can have any combination of Admins, Associates, and Directors.

2: Yes each employee can be assigned to multiple companies but only to thier category.

3: No, Each employee can only be in 1 category.



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No, not exactly. It looks like you set it up so that Employee is the "Main" table/layout in that you select which companies that employee belongs to. I want to do the reverse of that. I want Company to be the "Main" table/layout in that you select which Admin, Associate, and Director belongs to that company.

The final form of this database will have 3000+ companies added to it and maybe 30 empoylees. So I'll be creating new companies all the time and choosing the appropriate Admin, Associate and Director. There won't be many changes at all to the Employee table.

That is why I want 3 popup menu fields on the Company Layout that lists only Admins, only Associates and only Directors. That is the reason for the 3 constants on the Company Layout to constrain the empolyee list by category for the popup menus.

I know that this can easily be done if I put the different types of employees into different tables, but I don't want to do that. I added some more notes to my original file so that it can make more sense to everyone.




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This topic is 6594 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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