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How can I set a filemaker 7 field with applescript variable?

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I have an applescript that extracts some file info from a file, and sets a variable with it. Now I want to enter that variable value into a filemaker field. How can I do this??

Here's the code:

set this_file to choose file


tell application "Image Events"


-- open the image file

set this_image to open this_file

-- extract the property value

copy the dimensions of this_image to {xres, yres}

copy the name of this_file to originalname

-- purge the open image data

close this_image

end tell

display dialog "The file " & (originalname as string) & " Resolution is " & (((xres as string) & " by " & yres as string) & " pixels")

on error error_message

display dialog error_message

end try

I want to enter "originalname" and "xres" and "yres" values into filemaker fields. How can I do this?


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I figured it out! The key is the applescript must communicate to Filemaker via Applescript!

Here's the code that works:

set this_file to choose file


tell application "Image Events"


-- open the image file

set this_image to open this_file

-- extract the property value

copy the dimensions of this_image to {xres, yres}

copy the name of this_file to originalname

-- purge the open image data

close this_image

end tell

tell application "FileMaker Pro"


set field "Original Filename" in current record to originalname as string

end tell

on error error_message

display dialog error_message

end try

Hope this helps someone!

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This topic is 6522 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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