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Troi Text TrText-XML function


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TrText-XML function

Working from page 25 of manual below


"If the XML contains multiple occurrences of a node you can retrieve a specific node by adding a number like



This will get the 3rd 'ghi' node from the 2nd 'def' node of abc."

Retrieving a specific node with a number as in 2 and 3 above. I was trying to define this number with a variable either a number from another field, function or formula.

Example abc/def[2]/ghi[Field G] . Field G being a number or formula result.

I have tried this in calculation field and script step and have been unsuccessful. I was not sure if this was a limitation of FMP or Troi text plug in. Or am just not doing it right.



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I emailed Troi support and they got back to me right quick.

[color:green]"This calculation should work better:

TrText_XML( "-GetNode" ;

"abc/def[2]/ghi[" & Field G & " ]" ;

XML data )

Note that the field is outside of the text string. Is that clear?"

It was not doing it right.


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