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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Phone numbers & zip codes

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The question on how to format a phone number has come up many times in the past, a search of the forum for [color:blue] +Phone +Format should provide a number of hits containing the answer you desire. However, I'm curious as to what needs to be formatted in the zip codes though.

If you would post an example of both needs, in other words what you have now, and how you want it to look, we can provide better help.


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Take a look at this calculation by [color:blue]comment for the Phone Format. Link

and this one should do it for the zipcode:

Here is a Let calculation for the zip.

Let (

imput = Filter (zipNumber; "0123456789" )

; Case(Length ( imput ) = 5; imput;

Length ( imput ) = 9; Left(imput; 5) & "-" & Right(imput; 4)


zipNumber is your import field.

Be sure that the [color:red]result for [color:blue]both of these [color:blue]calculations is [color:red]text.

BTW, you could use these calculations in your existing fields using the Auto Enter Calculations.


Edited by Guest
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This topic is 6600 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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