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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

I need some help...

Darren Cannell

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How do I create the following: I have a start date for my students their midterm is 75 days from the startdate their final is 75 days from the midterm or 150 days from the startdate. However, summer holidays cannot be counted. Summer holiday is from June 29 until September 3rd.

So, I need a script that will calculate the midterm from the startdate and the final from the startdate.

This has got me stumped so any help would be appreciated.

D. Cannell :P

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To calculate which date would be for example 75 days from today you can use get(currentdate) + 75 or in your case you can use start_date + 75 and for the final I'm not quite sure you got that right. I think it should be 75 days from the start date of the 2nd semester and not 75 says from midterm. What I would basically do is create two date fields in your table...call it start_date_1st and start_date_2nd then midterm date would be start_date_1st + 75 and final date would be start_date_2nd + 75....hope this helps

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That makes sense but in our cyber school the start dates can be any time during the school year. Some students could start in May and then span the summer...hence the need to alter the midterm and final dates. So the students have a 150 days from the day they start to complete the course material. I would like to be able to tell them what their start, midterm and final dates would be...if they span the summer I would have to not include the summer dates in the 150 days.

Clear as mud right?

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I see what you mean...so the only info you have on hand is their arbitrary start date, the 75 days between exams, and holiday dates...let's try this:

if start_date < june_29


// midterm

if june_29 - start_date > 75

midterm = start_date + 75 //midterm falls before summer

else // mid term is after summer

midterm = sep_3 + 75 - (june_29 - start_date) //minus days already spent before summer


if june 29 - start_date > 150

final = start_date + 150


final = sep_3 + 150 - (june_29 - start_date)




midterm = start_date + 75;

final = midterm + 75;


May not be perfect and may require some tunning, but you should be able to transfer it to filemaker if/else grammar. Make sure start_date, Sep_3 and June_29 are date fields

Hope this helps

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Hi Darren,

To determine the mid term, you might try calculation (date, unstored) with:

startDate + 75 +

If (

startDate + 75 ≥ Date ( 6 ; 29 ; Year ( Get ( CurrentDate ) ) ) and

startDate ≤ Date ( 9 ; 3 ; Year ( Get ( CurrentDate ) ) )

; 67 )

This kicks the date forward through the holiday period of 67 days. To create a final term calc, replace the 75 (in both places) with 150. This will break if the startDate is WITHIN the holiday period.

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