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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

List ( calculation )


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Hi all friends

I have a problem with the List( ) function of FM 8.5.

The help on line says:

List function




field - any related field, repeating field, or [color:red]set of non-repeating fields; [color:red]or an expression that returns a field, repeating field, or [color:red]set of non-repeating fields.

So, if I have a field (FieldContents) with a calc like this:


fieldNames = Substitute ( ¶ & FieldNames ( Get(FileName) ; Get(LayoutName) ) & ¶ ;["FieldContents¶";""]; [¶ ; " ; "] );

adjustedFieldNames = Middle ( fieldNames ; 4 ; Length ( fieldNames ) - 6 )


list ( adjustedFieldNames )


I think that i'll have all the field contents of a given record...but NO ! Can someone say me why ?

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The function doesn't take field-names, it takes real fields. If you have fields A and B, you can use List with a calculation of:

  List ( If ( IsEmpty©; A; B ) )

I think what it means for the set is that you can specify as many as you like (but explicitly):P


Hope this helps.

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so what is the difference from:

set of non-repeating fields ( like: List(A;B;C;D;E) )


an expression that returns a set of non-repeating fields

( the above calculation is an expression that returns a set of non-repeating fields )


Can someone give me a working example of List( ) using as parameter an expression that returns a set of fields ?

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Hi Daniele - I think you're missing the point. Your parameter, adjustedFieldNames, evaluates to a text string - not a field reference. So at the end you have List ( "A ; B ; C ; D" ). Try using GetField() or Evaluate() to turn the text string/s into field reference/s.

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Hi comment

just do it !

This seems to work, as unstored calc:


fieldNames = Substitute ( FieldNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; Get ( LayoutName ) ) & ¶ ; [ "fieldContents¶" ; "" ] ; [ ¶ ; " ; " ] );

listFieldNames = "List ( " & Middle ( fieldNames ; 1 ; Length ( fieldNames ) - 3 ) & " )"


Evaluate ( listFieldNames )


BTW: the question remains: Can you give me a working example of List( ) using as parameter an expression that returns a set of fields ? ( as the help on line says )

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