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What if any are the significant improvements to custom web publishing from version 4 to version 5?

I'm tring to figure out if I need to upgrade to version 5 or not.

Any advantages to the unlimited version 5, version 4 is already unlimited is'nt it?

Many thanks


Ger Somers

It Manager

Murray O'laoire



Differences of which I am aware:

1. FMP 4 allows the passing of one token, FMP 5 allows the passing of up to nine tokens.

2. FMP 5 offers a new tag "inline", about which I know nothing as I am currently using FMP 4.

3. It is my understanding that the number of users granted access in any one hour may vary depending on the version of FMP 5. It is my understanding that this is not an issue in FMP 4.

Perhaps someone else can be more helpful on this.


Keith M Davie


Keith is right. FMP4 allows unlimited web users while the standard version of FMP5 allows ten users from different IP addresses to access the server within a twelve hour period. Hence, the new need for FMP5 Unlimited.



Do i need to get the developer edition to find out what the new features are? How do you address the nine tokens?



You can control the nine tokens by the addition of a variable after the command. Hence the new Token command now functions as "-Token.X".....X being a value bewteen 0 and 9. If the -Token command does not have ".X" after it, then -Token.0" is used. (by the by, that's a period between the command and the variable)



I have to say the inlineaction tag is worth upgrading for. I didn't realise you couldn't use this in V4, but it what kill me and my web site not to have it.

Basically when web companion shows a page in any of its actions, find, edit, view etc. anywhere on the page you can make web companion look up another search and show results from another database file. I am building a web site that needs to act like a portal showing info from 20 databases all on one page. add in

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=company_profiles.fp5, -lay=Company_details, -max=15, -sortfield=name, sort=ascend, Mag="Top MBA", Issue="Latest Edition", -token.1={currentrecid}, -token.2={fmp-field: cvreg}, -find] [FMP-record][fmp-field: company][/fmp-record][/fmp-inlineaction]

And in that position on the page it will reference my company database, search it and give me the list of 15 companies that mathc, when it finds the end tag it carries on processing the rest of the page as normal with the original data.

It is a revelation that makes much more interactive pages.



Thanks Simon,

I've already implemented it using the single-user license. And it's really powerful. But one question remains: what about performance? Will Unlimited provide quicker parsing or is there no difference?



I've utilized both the single user and unlimited and noticed NO difference between them except for the "unlimited" aspect of allowing users access from the web. As far as parsing speed, just get the fastest processor you can...fyi...if you are using mac, filemaker does not yet support the dual processors of the G4. Supposedly, they are working on an update...but as usual there was no firm arrival date. oh well.




Originally posted by jwtidwell:

I've utilized both the single user and unlimited and noticed NO difference between them except for the "unlimited" aspect of allowing users access from the web...


My FM 5 Unlimited is 5 - 7 times faster in serving web than v. 4 from the same NT server.

To do the upgrade on remote server was job for 10 minutes inclusive of remote installation, but without restart! Actual downtime was 1-2 minutes. Wow! FileMaker rules!


  • 2 weeks later...

Vaughn, I have just last week upgraded from 4 to 5, and I got the Developer's edition. I can tell you that as offered it consists of 2 CDs - FileMaker Pro 5 and FileMaker Developer 5.

The Developer application offers the CDML reference found in FMPro 4, but with the new tags of 5 defined, and a couple of older tags have new comments. You also get the CDML Tool.fp5 upgrade. (Personally I find this tool a waste.)

You also get the Runtime feature (ODBC), documentation and samples on XML, a Java Class folder and JDBC Driver folder, Kiosk development and stuff I haven't yet explored.

If you are doing development, you probably should have the Developer CD. I don't know if FileMaker offers it as a stand alone disk.


Keith -- thanks for the confirmation on the contents of the developer CD.

I agree on the CDML tool -- it's faster to type the codes by hand!

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