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I have a question.

Can Quicktime Movie or VR file in the container in the FMP or FMP server make the file as native Quicktime file format in the web page? - Not as Graphic .


Can I make a link to Quicktime file in web server but showing in Filed area in Web page create by Companion ?

Thank you.

[ March 26, 2002, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: weesung ]


In custom publishing, you could use a Filemaker field in a Javascript to make the movie play on load, like:

<SCR*PT LANGUAGE=JavaScript type="text/javascript">

document.write('<embed src="[FMP-Field:moviepath]" autoplay=true width=240 height=195 controller=true></embed>');

// </SCR*PT>

where [FMP-Field:moviepath] is the path name to the file.

note that you need to leave out the usual <!-- to --> comment marks, or Filemaker ignore the field call, and it's 'SCRIPT', which the forum won't accept!

regards, jeff

  • Newbies

Thank you for your information !

However, I am still confused.

Do I have to put the java script in container ?


Can I make filemake file that normal people can input Quicktime movie and do play it by itself ?

Thank you for helping me. It is important problem for me. This is project for video and Image database.


My advice is to have a database field with a file path to the qt/image. This way gives you greater flexibility.

You do not need to use Javascript. You can create a link to the qt/image with the database field which containts the path; e.g.


<a href="[FMP-Field: qt_image_path]">[FMP-Field: qt_image_name]</a>

Hope this helps.

Do you wish to have people add images from their web-browser, or using FM client?


[ March 26, 2002, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Garry Claridge ]

  • Newbies

Thank you.

Which field I should put the code ? Text or container ?

I want people to put quicktime data and text data from FMP client but user who will see the search result will have to use web browser for their viewing.

What I need is that many people without FMP can see and search to find correct quicktime file from FMP database in the web.

I wish to keep the Form look of Web Companion in web page.

Can you give me some idea ?


We use something similar to Jeff, except we 'embed' into a dhtml layer. Hence, we can list a number of Quicktimes from a record and the user can select and play them on the same page.

All the best.



Hi, the solution of using an 'embed' tag means that you just have the path to the movie in a Filemaker text field and the movie stored separately on the web server.

So your users would just put the image name into FileMaker and the movie itself into the right directory, even if it's on a different server.

A lot of movies in containers would give you a really slow database!

The script I wrote just sits within the html on the page.

I used it because I can also add 'ifs' to the javascript to deliver an MPG or QuickTime movie depending on platform and browser, like this:

<SCR*PT LANGUAGE=JavaScript type="text/javascript">

if (top.browser.platform == 'mac')

document.write('<embed src="http://mydomain.com/quicktimemovies/[FMP-Field:movie].mov" autoplay=true width=240 height=195 controller=true></embed>');


document.write('<embed src="http://mydomain.com/mpegfiles/[FMP-Field:movie].mpg" autoplay=true width=240 height=195 controller=true></embed>');



Seems to me that you want to use "Instant Web Publishing". You will really need to use "Custom Web Publishing".

The code and scripts described are for use in the web page (format file), not for a field in the database. They are for use with "Custom Web Publishing", which uses html and cdml.

All the best.


This topic is 8377 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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