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hi, i'm so new to this web thing. i'm trying

to set up instant web publishing. and have few questions regarding it. here it is.

first, i heard something about limited users for certain time period. it said 10 users for 12 hours time period. is this true ? so if 10 people connect to the db in one hour , then rest of 11 hours nobody can connect ?

second, i'm trying to set it up in my home computer since it is 2 or 3 files involved.

but many times i need to use the computer. is it possible publishing instant web and use same computer same time ?

also how many people can connect same time ?

also what do i need for publishing instant web.

do i need to buy ip address ?



[ April 03, 2002, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: kyle ]


Hi, I think you have most of the answers here already!

Yes, the IP addresses are limited by time. It will also be worse if the same user visits from a dial-up connection two or three times, because their address will change.

You'll get really poor performance from FileMaker if you are running other applications on the same computer though, in my experience, running a file or webserver on the same box has been acceptable.

You really need a copy of FileMaker Unlimited if you are not going to continually run into the IP limit. Another possibility is to use FileMaker 4, which is noticably slower but doesn't have the limit.

You will need a registered IP address for people to reach you, just like you would to put up a webserver, or you'll need a router/firewall with a registered address.

regards, jeff


jeff wrote ???

<< Yes, the IP addresses are limited by time. It will also be worse if the same user visits from a dial-up connection two or three time.

You really need a copy of FileMaker Unlimited if you are not going to continually run into the IP limit. >>

hi, jeff ! thank you for your answer.

though i have one more question. what does fmp unlimited 5.0 do ? is it only for ip time limit thing or is there some other features ?




FM Unlimited does nothing else than FM client. The only difference is Unlimited IP access vs. limited.

Although marketing department designed it, I do agree with this policy. It will be not fair to serve thousands visitors from single and cheap client. FM needs revenue to develop new and better versions.


FMP Unlimited also has the web server connector for use in RAIC's. It also has, in 5.5, a lot of the extra documentation that originally paaeared only on the Developer CD.


Old Advance Man


thanks guys !

i still got one more question. so if i buy fmp unlimited how many people can connect ? or

even same time ?

if i use it, does it have anythings to do with performance of the case of i use computer while i publishing instant web.

also i just found fm unlimited was $ 999.00.

it is so expensive. now understand what anatoli was talking about.

anyway, is there any way that i can publish my database on the web without fmp unlimited ?

thank you


[ April 04, 2002, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: kyle ]


Hi, a single copy of FMP unlimited can serve a surprisingly complex and busy site before you need to look at scaling it up. You don't really get 'consecutive' users because they only connect to the database when a link is clicked. If you've designed the databases well, a single copy can serve a few thousand visitors a day.

Providing you have a registered IP address, using a client copy of FMP4 gets you (legally) round the IP limit. Use the money you save to get a dedicated computer to run it on. Putting FileMaker on its own on a very modest box will give much more performance than sharing a top-spec one with other applications.

regards, Jeff


For the cost of unlimited, I think you have a limit of 250 connections at the same time, with no time limit. I know there are other options for up to 1850. The software really is FileMaker Pro 5.5, you are just paying for a serial number that unlocks the "Limit" feature.

If you have an old computer (I am using a old Mac 7500) sitting around, it will make a great FileMaker server.

As far as a Static IP address: If you are using a DSL connection but dont want to pony up for a static ip address you can use www.dyndns.org. They are free. Basically you set up a virtual web address with them. you install a free client app that runs in the background on your computer, checks the dynamic address every 15 minutes or so, and whenever that address changes, it updates dyn.dns.org. This way anyone that uses you virtual web address will always get thru to your computer that is using dynamic addressing. I've been using it at home without any problems.


This topic is 8365 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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