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Exporting Multiple Map Markers to Google Maps and Overlay

David Garza

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Good Day!

I have hit a barrier here; what I am attempting to have FileMaker calculate the "as the crow flies" distance from a base point to ANY/ALL of the other locations I have in FileMaker.


Base1 -> Loc1

Base1 -> Loc2

Base1 -> Loc3



I can do this because I have imported all of the Lat/Long coordinates for these address in the database, but what I also ned to do is export these locations to a map service as simple map-marker with additional informations (i.e. Location Description, Photos, etc.).

+ Google Earth -- I have done this, and it works!

+ Yahoo! Maps -- I was able to, BUT I have over 50,000 locations and even using 100 of those locations with Yahoo! Maps, the web page moved at a subatomic pace.

+ Google Maps -- I have NOT been able to get this setup; I do have an API key though as it was used to find the coordinates for addresses.

+ Perhaps, if there is another solution to fulfill what I am looking for, I am open ears.

I would like to use Google Maps (they have a new feature for Marker Managament too) because I do not have to carry/send KML files for Google Earth, I simple have to give a URL to the web site that contains the mapped locations and that person can do with it what they must in order to fulfill their duties.

Also, either for Google Maps or Google Earth, setup works closly the same, I would like to use a circular overlay to display the radius from the "Base1" and encompass all locations within 'x' mile range. This would enable me to be able to see that either; a) If there are locatons JUST outside of the 25 mile radius that the "Base1" could be associated to or; :) Show where the 'x' mile marker ends and show (visually) the number of Locations (Loc1, Loc2...) withinthat 'x' mile radius.

Hopefully this isn't asking too much, but this is my biggest task. I have FileMaker 8.5 by the way.

Thank you for your help and God Bless!

David Garza

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