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Tabs with different tables

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I want to be able to have a tabbed control in a layout that when you click on a secondary tab, the controls for things like next record, previous record, etc. will control a different table than the first tab.

In my case, I have a layout that handles administrative tasks for "Employees", "Companies", "Customers", "Vendors". The problem is that when I go to say Customers, any record control is based on the "Employees" table (the one designated via the layout setup.

Is there a way to have each tab independently control navigation, data?

Thanks in advance!

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No, and I think you're going off the track with regard to navigation, too.

Are you familiar with the Go to Related Record (GTRR) script step?

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Thanks for the quick response!

I've used the GTRR before, I was just trying to use the tab metaphor to consolidate the interface by business function. I guess I'll have to incorporate buttons with different layouts and mask them so it looks like it's all in the same area.

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This topic is 6212 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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