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New Records don't display in relationship portals


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I have just created (manually) new records in a "contacts" database.

This database has a relationship with a "projects" database.

Any previously-existing records display properly.

The new records don't display, although it appears to run the script as it should.

How do I get portal relationships to properly display new records?



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Im not sure if this will solve the issue but you might try using these script steps:

For people trying to see what should be in the portal use:

refresh window [flush cached join results ; flush cached sql data]

For people creating the new records make sure you use:

flush cache to disk

Other than that - leaving the layout/table occurrence to go to another layout/to and then returning seems to do the trick...

Edited by Guest
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This topic is 6211 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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