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Is this a calculation?

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This one's had me stumped for a couple months. It SEEMS like it should be doable, but I can't get it.

I would like to be able to validate ItemID on new assignments such that the same ItemID is never assigned more than once to any given translator (TransName). ItemID and TransName are associated via the ASSIGNMENTS table.

All feedback humbly and gratefully welcomed.

Sample file attached. Names have been changed, etc.


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Many thanks for the swift solution, comment!

Your method 1 looks like it will do the job nicely, and without fuss. Exactly the breakthrough I needed! :tigger:

1. In the Appointments table, define a text field, set it to auto-enter a calculated value =

CustID & "|" & GetAsNumber ( AppointmentDate ) & "|" & AppointmentTime

Uncheck the "Do not replace existing value.." option. Set the field's validation to 'Unique value'.

uniqueCalc.fp7.zip (4.38 KB)

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Ditto for me. I've started using this technique recently and it is so simple and powerful.

Strength through field-level validation. Interface validation is weak!

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This topic is 6210 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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