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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

finding matching field content


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working in Filemaker 8.0v2

I'm looking get a found set which consists of all records that have matching content in 2 fields within that record, i.e.


Include in found set where (content of field_A) = (content of field_:)

This is for a manual find, no need to script it. This seemed to me to be something Filemaker would have a obvious function for (or symbol to use in a find), but searching through help and doing trial-and-error with various symbols didn't yield any solutions : . Am I just missing the obvious, or is this trickier than it sounds?

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Hmm, I suppose I mis-phrased the problem, though the link was interesting :) .

some background:

I'm working in a flat database in which several thousand records hold redundant information between fields (not between records). I cannot kill off these redundant fields, as they contain unique information as well (good data-entry practices have been non-existent for the majority of this database's life-span). My current goal is to find these cases of redundant information, and edit it out of each record.

To re-phrase the problem:

I'm attempting this find without criteria. I'm not looking for records with two fields containing "Joe" so much as I'm looking for records with two fields containing anything in them, so long as that anything is the same for both fields.

I hope that clarifies my problem, and thank you for your reponse.


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"working in Filemaker 8.0v2"

Arrrgh, that is the worst, buggiest version. Run the 8.0v3 patch on it real quick before you screw up all the indexes.

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