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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

updating a file and importing info help


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I have a company that i made a database for they have 25 tables in the single file and one additional file that is linked to the solution,

Everytime I make an upgrade to their solution. It requires downtime to get their data ported over to the new version of the file.

Is there a way to simplify and even script this process.

The simplest I can think of is storing all the exports in a folder on the desktop and calling it upgrade or something. Then having the new file pull from that same folder. Are there any other suggestions here because I maybe missing some easier way to get their data into my upgrade of their file.

Thanks very very much

This has troubled me for a long time

I get there are over 300 fields in the 25 tables in the database.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been trying to export records from each table.(there are many tables) It does'nt seem to work. I have been exporting as filemaker pro files so I can save the container data. The conclusion I am getting is that there is NO WAY to export [color:red]all of the data from a filemaker pro file. It seems to export just one table only. So there is no way to get an export of all the data. Is this correct? I would like to find a way to get all the data out and import it into a new file which is the modified version of the my original. Then modifications I am making to the original , away from the client could import the old data into the new file without any downtime to them.

I just don't know if this can be done.

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You need to export each table separately, although it can all happen in one script. You would end up with a .fp7 file for each table in your system.

Something like:

Go to layout (layout based on Table1)

Show All Records

Export (no dialog, save export order)

Go To layout (layout based on Table2)




Then, you'd import each table separately in to the new file.

In new file, Import Script:

Go to layout (table 1)

Delete All Records (get rid of any test data)

Import (match table to table, field by matching names)

Go to Record Last

Set Next Serial Value (update the counters for all auto enter serial number fields), RecordID +1


Next table



This article in FM Advisor describes the technique in detail, and may be worth it to you to pay for a subscription to view it.

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I do this somewhat differently. I don't export any data, rather I bring in a clone of the updated file in the same directory as the original and then run import scripts similar to the method that bcooney described.

I have a master import script that calls import scripts for the individual tables. If you add in a table, just make sure you create the new script and add it to the master import script. The Set Next Serial number step is extremely important - if you miss that one, you will cause problems in your relationships.

To speed up the import process, make a blank layout for each table - no fields in that layout. Use those layouts in your import scripts. That way, the unstored calculation fields and summary fields don't slow down the process. (I do put the table name on the layout so I can watch the import progress.) Just make sure you have a dialog box pop up to tell you when the import is complete.

HTH, Mike

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