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I have web page where I need to make find like this


palvelukunta kunta::maakunta::maakunta=satakunta

haluan liittya=1



maakunta maakunta::maakunta=satakunta

haluan liittya=1



talousalue talousalue::maakunta=satakunta

haluan liittya=1



I can make this with him filemaker layout, but now I need filemaker cdml form to do it. I have page like:

<form action="FMPro" name="FMPro" method="POST">

<input type="hidden" name="-db" value="yrityskanta2b.FP5">

<input type="hidden" name="-lay" value="loma">

<input type="hidden" name="haluan liitya" value="1">

<input type="hidden" name="-error" value="suora/errors.htm">

<input type="hidden" name="-max" value="20">

<input type="hidden" name="-format" value="suora/palvelutklista.htm">

<input type="hidden" name="-SortField" value="yritys">

<input type="hidden" name="-SortOrder" value="Ascending">

<span class="unnamed2">

<b>Hae palvelut kunnittain:</b>


<select name ="Palvelutyht" class="unnamed2">

<option selected value="">Kaikki palvelut</option>

<option>---- SUUNNITTELU ---</option>


</span><span class="unnamed2">

<input type="hidden" name="-Op" value="eq">

<select name ="palvelukunta kunta::Maakunta">



<input type="hidden" name="-LOP" value="OR">

<input type="hidden" name="maakunta maakunta::maakunta" value="satakunta">

<input type="hidden" name="-LOP" value="OR">

<input type="hidden" name="talousalue talousalue::maakunta" talue="satakunta">

Is it possible to do?


Assuming all other code is correct, IF you were to attempt to do a search of three fields such that:

<input type="hidden" name="-Op" value="eq">

<input type="hidden" name="field0" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="field1" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="field2" value="">

and then IF your client were to enter a good value in JUST ONE of those fields, the record containing that good value will be found.

That being the case, will the "<.."-op" value="eq">" work to meet your needs?

Second question: since you have the entire code and the databases, did this code work for you when you tested it?



I need 3 finds with OR operator Like this:

palvelukunta kunta::maakunta=satakunta

haluan liittya=1



maakunta maakunta::maakunta=satakunta

haluan liittya=1



talousalue talousalue::maakunta=satakunta

haluan liittya=1


I can Do this with Filemaker layout, in filemaker. But can I do It with CDML?


This should work in CDML, the only thing I can see that you are doing incorrectly, is use only one "-LOP", do not place it before the <input type> and put the "-OP" before each <input type>. Other than that you may be having issues with doing finds in related fields if it is a one to many database. Plus FileMaker itself doesn't really do an OR find....it gives you the ability to create new find requests but the operator used in find mode in FileMaker is "AND". So I am interested to see what you are doing in FileMaker, I think you may be phrasing the question incorrectly.


I'am trying to do 3 different finds on one "find". With OR operator and with AND operators.

Keith M. Davie

Yes, I have tested many compinations. With -op=eq with -lop=OR etc etc...

All I have managed to is: only one find(with -op=eq, -lop=AND) or 9 different finds binded together... (-lop=OR, -op=eq)

BTW. Is there any way to do group by(SQL-like) like command with CDML?


Timo, over the past year plus I have posted at least 10 times on the cdml forum regarding the use of the -op and -lop cdml tags and the problems relating to them. In those at least 10 posts I have given a link to 2 FMI tech docs on the "exact" find. I have highly recommended an understanding of the principle of the "exact" find. If you have missed those previous postings, I would highly recommend that you do a little research to find the link, and then familiarize yourself with these documents and their concepts.

This topic is 8550 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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