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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Specifying Find Request Question


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Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to specify a find request to compare a field's content with a local variable.

this is what my codes looks like.

I have two fields in layout called whatever. the fields are called fname and lname.


Set Variable($fname, VALUE: globalvariable_1)

Set Variable($lname, VALUE: globalvariable_2)

Enter Find Mode[]

Perform Find[Restore]

within the perform find I have specified the following find request.

Action: Find Records

field criteria

Database::fname ==$fname

Database::lname ==$lname

Please help, thank you in advance.

Carlos C.

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The Perform Find script step can't handle variables within itself. Also, it's unclear what globalvariable_1 is, it may be unnecessary.

Instead, try:


Set Variable($fname, VALUE: globalvariable_1)

Set Variable($lname, VALUE: globalvariable_2)

Enter Find Mode[]

Set Field database::fname [$fname]

Set Field database::lname [$lname]

Perform Find[]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Short answer; Yes, but you have to say whether you want to Find All the choices (default, more or less, though kind of sloppy; a relationship would work much better), or Any of the choices. The latter requires a Loop to create a New Request for each value checked.

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How would you do this with a relationship?I might be poorly executing what I am really trying to do here and not getting the results I am looking for because of it.

I am looking for the search to display records containing any of the values that may be checked off in the checkbox field. I am searching records based on a field in a products table called "ProductLineCode"

The checkboxes exist as a field called "ProductLinesToQuote" in another table called CustomerQuote.

I am looking to take the checked off product lines the customer would like to see quoted to them, and then switch to the products table, to a view I have created that displays each records on it's own sort of printer formatted presentation page. Then run a search and only display the product lines checked off in the Create a Quote module. I figure after I get this to display correctly I could also create a record of what was in the quote and other specifics on pricing, keeping a historic record of quotes created.

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