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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Generic Script for find to layout


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I have a database with 3 item priorities - Very Urgent, Normal and Low.

I was trying to create a script to perform a find and go to a layout to show items in list view.

Rather than making 3 separate scripts, I thought I could use a generic script which gets one of the values - Very Urgent/Normal/Low and perform the script.

In Myscript I have 2 steps

1. Perform find (Criteria set to MyDatabase::Priority[Get(Script parameter)]

2. Go to Layout["List View"]

At the button setup screen, I do this

1. Perform script ["MyScript"; Parameter:"Very Urgent"]

when run I get "No matching records found"

Whats wrong here? Am I doing it correctly?

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You can not use neither scriptparamters nor $variables inside a prefab request, if you after the scripting issue a Modify Last Find, will you see the translation is "forgotten"

I would do it this way:

Set Error Capture [ On ] 

Enter Find Mode [  ] 

Go to Field [  ] [ Select/perform ] 

Go to Next Field 

Set Field [ Get ( ScriptParameter ) ] 

Perform Find [  ] 

Set Error Capture [ Off ] 

It will set you request value in the first field occuring in the taborder on the layout.


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