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Find on Calc field doesn't work on Server

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I have a Student database with Calculation fields that will indicate whether a student in the Youngest in the family at a particular school.

The Field is marked either "Y" or "N".

When the database is stand alone on my desktop, I can do a search on Youngest and the School and it works.

When I put the database on my FP8SA, it doesn't work at all (No Records Found).

I have no clue why this would be.

The Calculation is based on several fields

Birth_Date [Date]

Self Relationship "Y" on the table Address+school name == Address+school name

Birth_Date_D [GetAsDate(Birth_Date)]

Born_Last [Max(Y::Birth_Date_D)]

Youngest [iF(GetAsNumber(Born_Last) = GetAsNumber(Birth_Date_D); "Y"; "N")]

I don't understand why this will work when the database is NOT being shared.

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Do you have the latest update to Server 8 installed? If not, try it with the update installed (it may help).

However, there are still some cases where a find won't execute correctly on an unstored calc involving aggregates. You may have to find on a stored field instead, or use a loop to omit the records not needed.

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I have FileMaker Pro Server Advanced 8.0v4

I sent the database to the high school where they have already updated their server to FileMaker Pro Advanced Server 9.0 and the database works just fine there. I can search on that Calculation field.

I am pretty sure it worked on my server last school year. So I am restarting my server tonight to see if that fixes the problem.

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This topic is 6164 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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