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How to search multiple TO's


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Hi everyone,

I can’t figure out how to handle a search over multiple TO’s.

I have four TO’s involved here. Customer TO, Products TO, Invoice TO and Line Items TO. All TO’s contain pretty much what you’d expect them to. The only added wrinkle would be that the Customer TO, aside from the standard customer information like name and address, contains 8 questions like Sex, Make, Model, Year, etc.

How do you set up a search where you need to search on multiple fields from multiple TO’s. And of course everyone wants a little different search and sees the information in a little different way.

Some will want to do a search and see all the records supporting the found set. While others will just want the numbers of their search criteria like,

“Zip code> 22222 who drive a> 2005 > Chevrolet > Malibu > by sex”. Then the answer 125 (100 men and 25 women).

The structure of the database I think is pretty much standard. You click on an Invoice button from the Customer file and go to the Invoice file where a new invoice is created for this customer. The Invoice layout has a Product portal where you click a product and it’s entered into the Line Items portal on the layout.

How would you set up searches like this? Especially for a user that is not Filemaker or database literate? And where would you set up the searches, a seperate TO or one of the four mentioned above?

I could sure use your help,


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Hi Ender,

Your statement of "

It would be nice if you'd hold up on cross-posting until you see what kind of replies you get."

You’re right about that and I apologize for it. Actually I posted here yesterday but for some reason, although my name showed for the post, you could not open it. It was then I decided to post it in both places. Bad idea on my part and I'll not do it again. How could I have know that someone of your mental dextarity would have answered my post? I learned that line from Harry! :

Thanks for the link, that was really good.


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This topic is 6156 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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