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Files unable to be converted...

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I am beginning a data migration into a system that I have converted. In performing the drop conversion prior to running the migration process, three files failed. Two of those files will not cooperate with me. I have tried to Save As a Compressed copy and export as FileMaker with no luck. I receive the following error message:

"Sorry, FileMaker is unable to read the disk this file is on. Click Continue to try again, or click Quit and copy this file to another disk"

FileMaker KB contains this error in reference to a FileMaker 3 file. This particular file is an .fp5, though it is very likely to have been upgraded from 3 at some point.

I made sure to not only grab the files currently being served, but I also made a backup and grabbed those files as well (Yes, I quit hosting the files and shut down the server prior to grabbing the data files). All versions of the two remaining files have failed with this message.

I have tried to save as clones and re-import the data, but each files gets about 50% through the import process and fails with the message given above. The same thing happens when I try to export any data from either file. Any thoughts?


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Sorry Aaron,

From what you've said, I think you've followed the right steps to try to get those file going, but it does indeed sound like corruption. I'm afraid your best course is to redo the files from scratch.

Although it may seem like an impossible task (especially for complex files), it turns out it's really not that bad. You already know the business logic, what all the fields, relationships, and value lists are supposed to be. The tedious part is redoing scripts and layouts (perhaps there's an older backup that would convert to at least provide some of the layouts).

It's probably a good time to redo the entire solution anyway to take advantage of FM9 capabilities. For example, the new architecture should dramatically reduce the number of fields, scripts, and layouts.

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This topic is 6153 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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