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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Must enter fields

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On my new user layout I have 7 fields that must be entered before the user can continue to the next layout. Each field that must be entered has an "*" by them. When the customer clicks the Continue button here’s what I’d like to happen.

1. If all fields are all entered they go to the Customer layout. If not they are unable to go to the next layout and get a message saying something like “the fields have not been entered”. I would like this message to be a calculation field instead of a dialog box as we may use IWP later.

2. I would like some way to show the customers the fields they omitted. I have not idea how to do this and hoped you may have a good way to do it.

Thanks very much for your help. I’m fairly new to all of this and look forward to any comments.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carl. I assume that you have a button that takes them to the Customer layout. So, add a validation section to that script, something like:

If (isempty (RequiredField1)

Show Dialog (Hey, you forgot to enter the ...)

End If

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