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ODBC: SequeLink Error 2306

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When trying to set up an ODBC connection to a FM database using DataDirect 32-BIT SequeLink ODBC 5.5 driver, I am getting a TCP/IP SequeLink Error 2306 for 'connection refused'. Any ideas?

The FM file is on a network NT server. I am running Filemaker 9 with Windows XP SPII.

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Are you setting the port to 3306? I think this is the common port for this. If you are trying to connect to a MYSQL DB, use the mysql connector driver. It is much better.


Edited by Guest
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  • 9 months later...

Do you have any "software" firewalls installed on your computer? It is possible--especially on Windows--that your antivirus software package includes something that is blocking port access even to your own machine.

That would be my first guess.

[i've got ODBC working on a Virtual Machine running Windows XP on a Mac inside Parallels so I know the instructions work even in odd networked environments where my IP address is shared between two OSes]

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  • 1 year later...
  • Newbies

Ive experienced the same error a couple of times both on my developer machine and server, usually with a interval of 3-8 weeks apart.

There are 2 items to check.

1. Is the server listing on port 2399

This can be checked the following way

Run -> cmd -> netstat -a

2. Is SLSocket54 causing a error

This can be checked the following way

Administrative tools -> Event viewer

Usually it shows 2 errors or 5 errors in the

Event viewer

If only the first one is present, then a restart of the server should do the trick.

If both 1 and 2 is present, then the error is placed in starting the SLSocket54 service.

This can be fixed by first stopping the server, then deleting everything in the folder "Filemaker serverExtensionsPluginsxDBC Supportlogging"

If this does not solve the problem, then a reinstall of the server is required. First uninstall and check if the above folder is also deleted, if not then delete it and reinstall.

If the above folder is not deleted, the problem will persist.

I think the problem is caused by some kind of corruption of the file "Filemaker serverExtensionsPluginsxDBC SupportloggingSLSocket54.trc"

Hope this helps.

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