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can't share file on LAN

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I'm a physician, and part-time hobbyist-programmer. the institute that i work for asked me to set up a DB to analyze QA data from our clinics in the field.

I need to allow access to 3 other people on our network, including myself. I have set up the accounts and privileges (2 with full access, 2 with data entry access), and i opened the file on my computer (running Windows XP) with sharing enabled for the specified users.

However, when they select "Open Remote" from the file menu, they do not see my computer listed as a local host. I have checked my settings, and my firewall is set to allow Filemaker pro users to get through.

can someone tell me what am i missing?? or where i should look?



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Possibly this might help: Make sure your fm server services are running.

you have to start them up.

If you don't know how to do this, go to start, settings, control panel, administrative tools, services.

Look for the filemaker one and start it.

Let me know if this works.

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This topic is 6141 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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