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Replicate "Show All" in a Multi-Type table

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I'm working on a Ordering system. Orders must have a Type of "Sale", "Purchase", or "Transfer". I originally thought about going with three separate tables, one for each type, but there's a lot of overlap, so I think one is the answer.

The three are different however, and I have a different entry layout for each. What I want to happen is for only the respective type to appear in the respective layout. So I'm scripting the navigation and got the Find process nailed down, but can't replicate Show All.

Everything I've tried (scripts that involve the Find process: Find, Constrain, Extend, GTRR), gets me the proper found set, but the focus has changed from the record I was on to the first record of the set.

Any ideas?


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One way is to remember the record id, do the find, then scroll through the found set to the original record. (Yeah I know it doesn't scale well but it might work for a while.)

Only other suggestion is to try something with access privileges to prevent the other record types from being seen (this might get ugly with displayed, I dunno).

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New day brings new thoughts. Since I'm moving towards scripting all navigation (eliminating the Status Area), maybe I don't need to do anything to change Show All.

If I script my record navigation to skip records of the typse that don't match the layout, and set my "Found Count" to only show the number of that type, the user will be none the wiser.

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