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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Delete if 3 conditions are not met

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Hi everyone,

I just found something I thought was taken care of but wasn't.

When a customer selects a product from the Product pick list that products information is shown in a portal. After the customer reviews the product information they vote yes or no. If they decide they are not going to vote on that given product they click a button that deletes that product from the portal.

The question is how do you handle a situation where the customer does nothing? When they don’t vote yes or no or click the delete button. We only want records where a vote has taken place. How would you write a script like this, that without a Yes or No vote the portal row is deleted?


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"The question is how do you handle a situation where the customer does nothing?"

Electric shocks (or the threat of shocks, if your useability testing budget doesn't stretch that far). If the budget is *really* tight it's sufficient just to have bare metal chairs with orange wires leading to them. A wet floor helps too. (Think: Astronaut's Wife.)

"When they don’t vote yes or no or click the delete button."

Oh I see... I'd reverse the process (if possible) and only allow product selection if they vote yes or no. In other words, their voting adds the item to the list.

Otherwise restrict the navigation until all portal rows have a vote, or offer to delete all of those that haven't been voted on.

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Hi Vaughan,

If the budget is *really* tight it's sufficient just to have bare metal chairs with orange wires leading to them. A wet floor helps too.

Whoa, that was the very first thing we did but then they started calling for "Whips and Midgets" and we felt the program was falling short of the intended goal"!

Oh I see... I'd reverse the process (if possible) and only allow product selection if they vote yes or no. In other words, their voting adds the item to the list.

That will not work because they cannot view the product from there. They can only view the product from the same portal that the voting takes place. In the way mentioned above the customer would have to "click on the product name, go down to the portal and read the information and see a picture, then go back to where they first clicked to be able to vote". Even if it worked it would be counter intuitive. Counter intuitive; see that’s left over from that whips and midgets stuff.

Otherwise restrict the navigation until all portal rows have a vote, or offer to delete all of those that haven't been voted on.

This would require customer interaction and although it would solve part of the problem it wouldn't solve all. My primary concern is a customer looking at a product and then going to another page or leaving the site.

Is there a way to either 1. Automatically delete an un-voted record after the customer leaves the page or the site. Or 2. Automatically mark the record as un-voted so we can go in, do a search and delete them. I'm not wild about #2 but it would be a way to clear useless records.

[color:blue]I just thought of something else! Once a customer votes, how do you stop them from going back later and changing their vote or deleting a product portal row they already voted on? That could make for a really bad situation.

What do you think?


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"1. Automatically delete an un-voted record after the customer leaves the page or the site."

It's through the web is it?

Why create records at all, at least before voting?

The user's first selection could really just be adding record IDs into a global field as a multi-key, whuch then displays records in a portal. The act of voting creates the real records in a table somewere.

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It's through the web is it?

Yes it is.

The user's first selection could really just be adding record IDs into a global field as a multi-key, whuch then displays records in a portal. The act of voting creates the real records in a table somewere.

I understook the electric chair post better! I have no idea what that means. Is it something a novice could implament?


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