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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

¿Web or network? function

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If a script contains a non-web-compatible step, FileMaker doesn't skip it and continue with the rest of the script, right? Instead, it just ignores it and doesn't do anything. But you need that step when you are in the network side. What "If..." statement can you use to address the script to the right way depending on where you are?

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.

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That one gets "ProAdvanced 8.5v1" in both environments, not the "web" or "network" word that indicates how did you get into the database. I already have tried other funcions and no results.

Besides, thinking again, I'm not sure a field can have two different values at the same time, right? Unless it is a global, that could handle a different value for each computer.

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Yes, yes, yes! Sorry for my ignorance, but how the heck am I going to know that Get ( ApplicationVersion )could contain the words "web" or "network" in its guts, if the result (without PatternCount)of it is just the current version of FileMaker.

I'm grateful, gentlemen.

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So, what is the distinctive sign between the result of Get ( ApplicationVersion )in both platforms, in other words how can FileMaker recognize it, if the result of it (without PatternCount) is the same: only the FileMaker version, nothing else there?

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how can FileMaker recognize it, if the result of it (without PatternCount) is the same

It cannot. The thing is, the result is NOT the same. I'm not sure what works in IWP and what not (or if you're even using IWP), but I believe that if you define an unstored calculation field as =

Get ( ApplicationVersion )

and put it on a layout, you'll see the difference.

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Rafita, read the manual and on-line help, it's all in there!

From the FMP Help:


Get(ApplicationVersion) function

Returns text representing the FileMaker application and version.

Pro (version) for FileMaker Pro.

ProAdvanced (version) for FileMaker Pro Advanced.

Runtime (version) for FileMaker Runtime.

Web (version) for FileMaker Web Client.

Server (version) for FileMaker Web Server.


So the function will return true for web clients:

Patterncount( Get( ApplicationVersion ) ; "Web" )

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Well, I'm going to check the database from home via web, because I open it here from FM and from the web and the result is the same for both sides. It shows only: ProAdvanced 8.5v1

Maybe the server has to do something with it.

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