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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Get (Scriptparameter) help!

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Gday all,

I've been using my database for sometime now and ti's been running fine, however for the past morning it's started throwing up errors. I haven't made any changes that should effect anything...

Anyway - the problem!

There are two two tables: Vehicles and Servicing. I've had a script where when you click a button the following script is utilised:

Go to Layout ["Servicing" (Servicing)]

New Record/ Request

Set Field[sERVICING::kf_production_number; Get (Scriptparameter)]

I would have thought that this was straight forward, and that it would create the new record, and bring in all the customer detials. As I said, this had been working, but now it's stopped.

I've checked all my relationships etc, and they're all still intact...

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Hi there, Leesome!

What do you mean this script has 'stopped?' I would suspect that the script parameter is missing from the button which runs it but you haven't even told us what it does or doesn't do right or wrong! Neither have you indicated what this means "for the past morning it's started throwing up errors."

YOu'll need to be a bit more specific for us to nail it down for you. :wink2:

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Hi LaRetta,

Sorry that wasn't particularly articulate. I've been using that script without a hitch for around two months, though this morning when i clicked the button that has the script contained The following happends:

- It changes the layout (which is good)

- Creates a new record (which is good)

- BUT then it's doesn't bring in the information that it's supposed to. (The set field is SERVICING::kf_production_number which reads from VEHICLES::kp_production_number)

Does this make more sense?

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You mentioned other problems as well? And did you check the script parameter like I mentioned?

Anyway, here's some more thoughts ...

1) Are you sure the button is on a layout based upon VEHICLES where the kp_production_n umber resides?

3) Is the button being clicked in a portal or on a main form in vehicles, or on a header in a list layout?

4) Again, I ask what you mean about "for the past morning it's started throwing up errors."

Something has changed in where that script is being fired, in the button parameter or your file has gone wonky on you. But again, you haven't said what 'other errors' are being thrown. It is probably something simple like I mentioned. If you still can't figure it out, you'll need to attach a zipped copy of your file.

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test the script parameter

test 1; duplicate the set field step and temporarily disable the original.

define the set field to hard code a test value e.g. AAA111

This will convince you that the set field script step works , and that it must be the script parameter that is the problem

test2; make the first step a set variable = script parameter, and see what value the script parameter is before doing anything ...

use a message to display the variable value if you are not using Advanced

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This topic is 6177 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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