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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Transferring parent key to child file


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I have been a longtime, but only an occasional, user of FileMaker who has been asked to look into the development of two applications. As a result I have been immersed in the design and prototyping process for the last three weeks. I am stumped at finding a particular interface solution that I hope someone can help me with.

What I want to do is to create on a layout in a child file a list of a select set of fields of ALL parent records. Then I would like to highlight or click on a parent and transfer the parents primary key to the child's secondary key field.

It would appear that situation must have been discussed before, but I can't find a discussion on it anywhere.

Thanks ahead of time.

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First, you need to create a relationship from the child file to the parent file using a key that will display all of the parent records. To create sucn a relationship create a calculated field in both files:

One (calculation, number, indexed) = 1

Create a relationship from the child file to the parent file (AllRecords) based upon the matching these two fields.

Next display the realated records from the parent file on a layout in the child file using a portal with this relationship. You can set the secondary key by using a script with a set field:

Set Field(Secondary Key, AllRecords::Secondary Key)

attached to a button in the (or a transparent button covering) the portal row.


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Thanks for the tip. I had figured out something similar; a calc=1field in both files, a realation ship with the two calc1s, and a portal with the name and a button. My script, however, copied the secondary key to the clip board using a script in the related file, and pasted the result with a script in the primary file. Double cliccking the button would transfer the key. I'll try out your script also.

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