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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

How to Master-Detail kind of layout?


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I am a VB.net developer against Access and SQL Server. I am using FM 9.0 Advanced (30 day trial).

One of my friend asked me to design a small system that needs to work on both MAC and PC.

To start with Customer/Contact side, i have designed the tables and added the relations between Customer to Contact as 1 to many.

I have managed to create a layout to customer and contact on its own. Now i need that same functionality on one screen?

How do i go about adding a new customer and adding many contacts to that customer?

Any help would be highly appreciated for a newbie for FM.


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It's the same method. I just meant that you may prefer to create a new layout to display both Customer and contact.

Go to Layout mode. Then click on Insert>Portal.

Chose Contacts table.

Add the fields you wish to display and the number of records to display within the portal.

Make sure you have chosen "Add/Create New records on the Contact side of the relationship Contacts table.

You can now add contacts on the customer layout.

See attached file.



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