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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Display a list of files in a folder

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I am a teacher and wish for some help in writing a script that will show a list of files in a folder on the computer.

Here is what I am wanting to do: Create a folder called student files. Have the script pull a list of files from that folder and display them in Filemaker as hyperlinks that could be opened. I would want the script to return files by matching the first 6 digits of the file name.

Example 123456_Smith, John PR1.pdf as the file name and 123456_Smith, John PR2.pdf and not get 123457_Doe, Jane PR2.pdf. I need to show the list in a window in a filemaker file so that I can print the record and on occasion I will need to print some of the files that are hyperlinks.

In this way I could manage the scanned files and original work samples for an entire school by placing them in 1 folder and using Filemaker to find these files.


Michael Perry :)

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you can create a folder of files on your hard disk and then display that folder in filemaker via the web viewer. Apart from this , the only other way would be by using a plugin.

For displaying yoru folder in a web viewer see this blog: http://filemakerdenizen.blogspot.com/

It could get you started , nee dmore help then post back.


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This topic is 6188 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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