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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Little problem

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If your product database does not contain unique occurances of each product then you should create another level.

For example

You may have a product database

ID / Item

101 = Universal Widget

102 = Left Handed Widget

103 = Right Handed Widget

And you could have sub levels for each product.

A seperate file would be a child of the main product..

100.01 = Universal Widget (Small)

100.02 = Universal Widget (Medium)

100.03 = Universal Widget (Large)

I hope this helps a little. Inventory systems can get very complex.

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My name is Pierre, and a have a little problem, I have to find a way to have the number of product in a database, I cant do a count of the field, cause it will count some product 2 time(cause they are many times in the data base) If a product is 2 time in the database, I must count it one time...

please , help me if you can



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