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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Calling All Experts


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I posted the following yesterday, but I haven't received a usable technique yet. Surely this must have come up before? I need a (transparent to the user) method of preventing parts of my solution from opening under the following situation:

I'm developing a Kiosk solution (FM5 and Win98) that has 4 FM5 databases as part of the solution. How does one protect the files so that they can't be opened and examined by a copy of Filemaker that also happens to be on a user's machine? I want the files to ONLY be openable by my main file under script control (or by one of my other datafiles also under script control). If I password protect each file, how can I then open them automatically under my control without user intervention?

Essentially, can you protect various parts of a solution from prying eyes and still be able to switch between the "modules" without the user having to enter a password?

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If I'm understanding what you're trying to do (which I may not be) then this may work.

In the Main file create a Script that runs on startup & launches whatever files you need & does whatever else you need done at startup. Then on the other files, create a script in each file that runs on startup of each file & calls the startup script in the Main file. (use the same passwords for all 4 files so your user only has to enter his/her password once)

I hope that makes sense & applies to what your trying to accomplish.


Paul smile.gif

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Setup the same passwords for each file. In each file under the preferences set the "Try Default Password" to the second password - do this for each file. In the main file, set up an open script that will open the other files. When the files open the user will not see any password information at all, nor will they be asked for a password.

You will still have access to modify the files by holding down the "OPTION" Key("SHIFT" key for Windows) while opening the files - which will prompt you for the master password. This will work of course unless you remove all of the menu commands when you run the files through the FM Binder.

[This message has been edited by dykstrl (edited February 08, 2001).]

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This topic is 8652 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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