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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

tracking modifications

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Howdy folks!

Can't seem to get this one to work for me.

I need to create a history of record modifications that are accessible to users.

I know repeating fields are a bane and with a "Modification date" it just rolls over and I just keep falling over with my script - maybe I've been staring at the screen too long.

What I am after is capture of duplicate Modification date entries ( I tried setting a portal but it always rolls over the top entry) and I want to keep atleast 10 of them.

I have a unique serial number (calculated not FMP generated) and repeated need to update a record.

All thoughts appreciated.

thanks in advance


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I didn't really think this would be possible without a script, but I started playing around with this and discovered a really bizarre trick to make a field modify itself.

Anyway, here is what you need for fields:


SerNo, Number, Autoenter Serial Number

ModTime, Time, Autoenter Modification Time

ModDate, Date, Autoenter Modification Date

SerLkp, Calculation (Number) =(ModTime * 0)+SerNo

cModHistTemp, Calculation (Text)

=ModHistory & DateToText(SelfBySerLkp::ModDate)

& " - " & TimeToText(SelfBySerLkp::ModTime) &

" - " & Status(CurrentUserName) & "
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Originally posted by BobWeaver:

I didn't really think this would be possible without a script, but I started playing around with this and discovered a really bizarre trick to make a field modify itself.

Anyway, here is what you need for fields:


SerNo, Number, Autoenter Serial Number

ModTime, Time, Autoenter Modification Time

ModDate, Date, Autoenter Modification Date

SerLkp, Calculation (Number) =(ModTime * 0)+SerNo

cModHistTemp, Calculation (Text)

=ModHistory & DateToText(SelfBySerLkp::ModDate)

& " - " & TimeToText(SelfBySerLkp::ModTime) &

" - " & Status(CurrentUserName) & "
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  • 6 years later...

I'm playing around with this, and I realized that you can even get a history if one particular field in the record is updated (but not when others are updated).

All you need is a time field with an auto-enter calc of the time when the field is updated (I used If(field ≠ ""; Get(CurrentTime); "").

Then you use this field (rather than the general time updated) for the relationship key (SerLkp). The cModHistTemp can contain any information for the history.

I'm so thrilled!

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